Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October Fun!

I feel like its been forever since I've posted, so here is a little bit of what we've been doing! Over UEA we went to the park with Cindy and Jeri and their kids! It was alot of fun! We got pizza for lunch and Jeri's mom and sisters were there also. With all of us I think there were 19 kids and 6 adults. I wish I had my camera out for that!

The last few years we have grown pumpkins and it is so much fun! These are the pumpkins we grew and the kids have wanted to carve them since we picked them.

Kemry dancing with the witch my dad gave us! Thanks dad for the cute witch!

This is our new favorite place to get ice cream. The kids got coupons for a free ice cream from school for meeting their reading goal for the month. We've been back another time since this!


Cin's Fam said...

I love your cute family. Thanks for including me and my kiddo's in your outtings. You are guys are the best!

Roman-Krauth Family said...

Fall is so much fun when you have kids....we love bear park...we are there all the time

L and T said...

I am a slacker in the commenting dept, but I love checking in on you!